Oral Medicine is Now Recognised ADA Aproved Specialty in USA

USA: Oral medicine will become 11th dental specialty recognised by the National Commission on Recognition of Dental Specialties and Certifying Boards.

The recognition comes after the National Commission on March 2 adopted a resolution based on an application from the American Academy of Oral Medicine to be identified as a dental specialty.

The ADA House of Delegates in 2017 set up the National Commission to supervise the decision-making system for recognising dental specialties. The “Requirements for Recognition of Dental Specialties” continues to be managed with the aid of the ADA Council on Education and Licensure and the House of Delegates.

Oral medicine now joins the following dental specialties:

  • dental anesthesiology;
  • dental public health;
  • endodontics;
  • oral and maxillofacial pathology;
  • oral and maxillofacial radiology;
  • oral and maxillofacial surgery;
  • orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics;
  • pediatric dentistry;
  • periodontics; and
  • prosthodontics.

Dental specialties are recognised “to protect the public, nurture the art and science of dentistry and nurture the quality of care,” according to the National Commission website.

A sponsoring enterprise looking for specialty recognisation for the field of dentistry must document that the subject satisfies six requirements, as mentioned in the “Requirements for Recognition of Dental Specialties.” The sponsoring organisation of the proposed specialty must provide documentation to show that it is a distinct and well-defined field that requires precise understanding and skills past those commonly possessed by dental college graduates; that it requires advanced knowledge and talents and that it scientifically contributes new knowledge, education and research in both the field, and the profession.

The American Academy of Oral Medicine submitted its application to the National Commission in June 2019. Following a review by the National Commission’s Review Committee on Specialty Recognition, the National Commission invited public comment for a 60-day period.

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At its March 2nd meeting, the National Commission determined that the application did indeed meet the “Requirements for Recognition of Dental Specialties” and followed a resolution spotting dental anesthesiology as a dental specialty. A resolution needs a two-thirds majority vote to be approved.

Following specialty recognisation with the aid of the National Commission, now the certifying board with a close working relationship with the recognise sponsoring organisation must also apply for recognization that is in accordance with the “Requirements for Recognition of Dental Certifying Boards.”

The National Commission on Recognition of Dental Specialties and Certifying Boards consists of 10 well known dentists, appointed by way of the ADA Board of Trustees; one expert from every specialty, appointed by way of their respective sponsoring organisation; and a public/customer member appointed by the National Commission.

Source: www.ada.org


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