1. You've been in the business for 16 years! How do you think the dental clinical practice has changed over the years?
Wow, 16 years! Now I know why my beard is full of greys, lol.
On a serious note, clinical practice has drastically changed for the good. The sole credit for this change, in my opinion, goes to the fact that the geographic boundaries are fading and a more modern, research-oriented, tech-oriented outlook has seeped into the Indian clinical scenario. We are doing everything digitally today, the materials are better, the learning from global clinicians is accessible, and our patients are more open to better treatments, and I say this both in terms of their mindsets and finances. I think it is a wonderful time to be practicing dentistry and the journey has been transformational.
2. What do you think is the most challenging part of doing a FMR?
I often say this, “It’s all in your head”. I have come across many clinicians who have a mind block, and a fear of failure, and that makes the process overtly challenging.
The key is to get the knowledge and then commit to the process. That’s a place I can sure help. Log into www.mikeducation.com and walk the learning journey with me.
FMR is a treatment protocol where anything that has gone wrong shall surface at the trial appointments. My recommendation: don’t overlook any, correct them then and there… no matter how much time or effort it takes. It is sure to pay off in the final outcome. Just be obsessed with perfection, and you are safe.
3. What do you enjoy more…clinical practice or teaching?
I am first a clinician, then a teacher, and finally an entrepreneur.
I never teach literature, facts, or figures. Rather, I teach what I learn from my clinical endeavors. I share my success stories and also my failures along with how to overcome/avoid them. Each time I read something new, I read from the perspective of teaching them. That’s my innate mechanism.
Moreover, I learn a lot while teaching from my own students and I enjoy going back to practice and giving it a try. It is a beautiful medley, to be honest.
I love teaching because, an hour of clinical practice helps me touch one or two lives, but an hour of teaching helps me touch the lives of countless clinicians and in turn their patients, making it a non-linear network.
4. We all know the long list of your accomplishments and felicitations in prosthodontics! Which accomplishment are you most proud of?
You never ask daddy to choose between his kids!
With no dentist in the family, no author legacy, and no business background, I take pride in each and every achievement. They are indeed all special and dear to me.
It gives me immense satisfaction that my efforts are making dentistry easier and more predictable for fellow dentists and patients alike.
I credit my success to the entire team at Smile Masters and MIK Dental. Without them, I am like sand in the desert.
5. What, according to you, is the next big thing in dentistry?
Digitalization! It’s here, it’s now!
I am excited to see how this can transform our lives.
6. What does Dr. Moez do besides dentistry?
I am a big foodie and a fitness junkie, with the latter being the result of the former.
I also love traveling, exploring new territories, meeting new people, understanding cultures, habits, beliefs, etc. I start planning mini trips with my lovely family the minute I see white in my calendar.
However, regardless of how hectic a day is, I always make time to read dentistry. There is so much to learn. The more I know, the more I realize I did not know.
7. What are your views on DentalReach?
DentalReach is a tremendous initiative and a platform for the global exchange of knowledge. Being a gated community for the dentist by the dentist, information and opinions can be shared freely. Added dentists can ask queries and get evidence-based answers from stalwarts in the field.
Through articles, dental news, videos, seminars, blogs, podcasts, contests, etc., DentalReach is doing a stellar job of getting dentists closer and making dentistry accessible to all. In this endeavor, I wish them immense success and my unparalleled support.
8. Your top 3 tips for achieving excellence in fixed prosthodontics?
Practice, Practice, Practice! Make Precision your Mission. For this makes Prosthodontics Perfect.
9. If you had to give only one piece of advice to our readers, what would it be?
Let’s make that two:
- Never stop learning. You have to keep upgrading to stay relevant in today’s world.
- Change what you think about yourself, put trust in your abilities for YOU ARE WORTH IT! Also, never forget to pause and cherish this journey called life!