Building A Safest Dental Visit: A New CDC Resource For Dental Professionals.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Division of Oral Health released a free, online training on safe care in the dental office and the principles of infection prevention and control.

The CDC partnered with the Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) for this training, and OSAP will provide three hours of continuing education credit for completing the training.

The training covers three areas:

  • Module 1: Foundations of Infection Prevention and Control introduces infection prevention and control for dental settings, reviews existing guidelines, recommendations and resources, and describes the fundamentals of evaluating dental infection prevention programs.
  • Module 2: Protecting patients, Protecting yourself,reviews hand hygiene, personal protective equipment, respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette, sharp safety and safe injection practices.
  • Module 3: Sterilization, Disinfection, environmental infection prevention and control guidelines, as well as dental unit waterline safety.

The training also includes reference materials and other resources to help users explore topics in more detail. In addition, the training presents in-depth audio case studies and videos that illustrate the topics in real-life settings.

This self-paced training is designed for dental health care personnel, infection prevention coordinators, educators, consultants and others.Learners who complete the training are eligible for 3 Continuing Education (CE) credits.

Read the entire detail about the programme here:


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