Many people love to start a day with confidence and full of energy whereas at the end of the day they feel completely exhausted. Individuals with leadership accomplishment usually walk out of the door at the end of a work day.

The mechanism of thought response as a human doing rather than being a human being:

When you are occupied with multiple things like managing a family, working in an office as a boss and employee makes for a stressful environment that causes fatigue. The prime focus has to be toward maintaining the being state, but most of the time individuals have been trained in the mode of doing state. If you contemplate in your busy days, you have to ask yourself some empowering questions in order to awaken your hidden potential. When was the last time you embraced your leadership quality? When was the last time you embraced your team members? When was the last time you took 15 minutes in the morning to set mindful intentions for the day? When was the last moment you took few minutes to contemplate and celebrate your list of completed assignments? When was the last time you took time to feel your emotions? Ask yourself all these questions and make a drastic difference in your day.

The power of asking questions where the focus and energy are flowing enormously helps us to uplift ourselves to next level. It is always better to aim for a goal that helps an individual to handle all the circumstances easily without feeling taxed.

 Failure in maintaining daily account in an appropriate way

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 Everyday experience makes us feed or drains our energy. At the end of the day when an individual feels exhausted,  it could be an indication that person is drained negatively. The negativity will affect the mind and body in an adverse way.

There is a lot of research done that reveals how negativity impacts an individual’s life. When an individual is exhausted, they lack enthusiasm, motivation, etc.; and the words they speak to self-so-called self-talk also seem to be negative. It is always better to overcome the exhaustion by taking a strong decision to find a way to overcome as soon as possible. First and foremost we need to maintain an account of what and which activities positively or negatively affects our energy to help us plan for a better day.

There are certain ideas that can be incorporated in order to feed with the positive sign of creating elevated energy. The positive energy will make the individual focus on task with vitality. The conscious effort by which individual spends in order to gain the energy plays a vital role in regaining their strength.

Certain examples, such as taking a break for 10 minutes in between work, taking a power nap are examples which can feed positive energy and maintain energy levels in the body throughout the day.

Being unaware of what is important and why it matters to you

 It’s  important to know clearly what is important in the task and why it matters in reaching our goals. Once the individualis clearly aware of the fact that actually helps them focus more on their goals. A strategy maybe to embrace the task positively to boost confidence. If one is not aware of what is important and why it matters, it drains a lot of energy and leads to exhaustion at the end of the day. Most of all it  impedes the next day tasks and impacts the outcome that cause failure. It is always better to analyse the desired outcome before starting a task. The cycle of thought pattern keeps happening consciously or unconsciously in the human mind. The value and beliefs which held by the individual has the direct influence on the mental aspect and dwells the positive force of the daily activities. A lot of reasons are important to create a positive outlook in the activities carried out in a day. Exhaustion is minimised when daily activities are done and completed with satisfaction; satisfaction is experienced by an individual when contributed by rendering service more than asked by the task. It helps to rejuvenate and gives purpose by remembering the completed task at the end of the day.

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There are many reasons which cause exhaustion at the end of the day. Exhaustion drains energy causing a dispassionate life. Many leaders are unaware of this and as a result don;t know how to overcome it. The knowledge gained when it is applied helps reinforce the individual in a positively. Positive reinforcement is very important in our daily task of the leader. The desired outcome is to lead a happy and contented life at the end of the day.


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DISCLAIMER : “Views expressed above are the author’s own.”


  • Dr. Rashmi B j is a Dental surgeon, practicing in Bangalore from past 9 years, passionate in writing health article of dentistry as well as self - help topics and currently rendering service as a practitioner.

Dr. Rashmi B j is a Dental surgeon, practicing in Bangalore from past 9 years, passionate in writing health article of dentistry as well as self - help topics and currently rendering service as a practitioner.

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